madman101 Oct 12, 2014 22:05
music - musical trends, my computer problems, mathematics - predictive models, countries - libya, health - v - ebola! virus, my predictions and prophesies, countries - qatar, faux middle, war - ukraine, graham - lindsey, economy - economic trends, economy - banksters/ banksterism/ agenda, war - syria, politics - 2016 / elections, books - political, fascism - creeping fascism/ rise of fasc, books - 'unstoppable: the emerging l/r.., bb - conspiracies, bb - internet security / comp software, bb - military-bankster syndicate, foundation for economic trends, sanders - bernie sanders, warren - elizabeth, "faux middle", economy - permanent war economy, s- bb - conspiracy (series), countries - ukraine, "conspiracy", environ - climate models/ predictions, war - isis, bb - security - national in/security sta, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends, war * / wars / war and peace, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, politics - grassroots, countries - syria, politics - political trends/annalysis, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, politics - left+right alliance, links - political, english language, bb - conspiracy - nature / dynamics, sociology - fear, politics and psychology, riley - joyce, economics - entropy, isis, war / stop it - war no more!, police / abuse and police brutality, politics - fascism - and see fascism, economics - capitalism - corrupt capital, war - iraq, all * trends / predictions, baby boomers / the faux middle, economy - conspiracies, police - civil asset forfeiture, money-changers i.e. gangster banksters, economics - wealth inequality, poets - shakespeare - william shakespear, ventura - jesse, politics - populism, predictions and prophesies, nader - ralph, counterproduction, dysfunctionalism, bb - corporatism - and see econ, tinfoil hats(idk), art - trends in art, all * entropism, paul - ron, economics - capitalism and conspiracies, economics - capitalism - crisis capitali, politics - war, revolutions - imaginary revolutions, economics - war, politics - counter-conspiracy, bb - corporatist elites / cap / govt, kucinich - dennis, bb - conspiracies -counter-conspiracy, -posted to liberal_plus, psychology - politics
madman101 Feb 10, 2013 13:07
my terms / definitions, politics - labour and wages, economics - war, politics - immigration / reform, "virtual scarcity", definitions / my terms, +, economics - labour and wages, all * entropism, economy - permanent war economy, economics - virtual scarcity, war * / wars / war and peace
madman101 Apr 18, 2011 17:13
music - musical trends, mathematics - predictive models, melman - seymore, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, economy - crash of 2008, my predictions and prophesies, books - 'unequal protection', economics - commons, economy - economic trends, economics - income inequality, politics - economy, books - economics, economics - debt, economics - capitalism - corrupt capital, the 4 naomi's, all * trends / predictions, economics - community development, links - economists, economists, economy - corporate taxes, whalen - r christopher, economics - counterproduction, economics - federal reserve, economy - corporate welfare, rifkin - jeremy, goldman-sachs, fascism - creeping fascism/ rise of fasc, american monetary institute, fundamentalism / fundamentalists, predictions and prophesies, books - 'whats the matter w/ kansas...', foundation for economic trends, bb - corporate parasites, -posted to economic_sanity, economics - corporatism, art - trends in art, sanders - bernie sanders, brown - ellen, economy - inflation, economy - permanent war economy, economics - banks - public banking, politics - conservatives, economy - military-industrial pentapus, economics - capitalism - crisis capitali, environ - climate models/ predictions, economists - krugman paul krugman, economics - monetary policy, frank - thomas, austin fitts - catherine, economy - micro-lending, books - 'web of debt', economy - banks - federal reserve, economics - war, economy - politics, economy - debt, klein - naomi, books - 'shock doctrine', social trends / pop trends, hartmann - thom, trends / global trends, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, economy - monetary policy, politics - political trends/annalysis
madman101 Feb 18, 2010 23:14
commons, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, religion as moral wedge, spirit, insurance, entropy - and dissonance, psychology - optimism - false optimism, faux middle, dismotivation in insurance, self-determination, risk and risk aversion, insurance and ponzi schemes, all * consciousness, my migraines, ponzi schemes, political - communism, economics - capitalism, economics - externalisation of/secondary, psychology - dismotivation, economics - counterproduction, dissonance, economics - smith adam, psychology - learned helplessness, all * mob psychology, counterproduction, bb - corporatism - and see econ, -posted to economic_sanity, cognitive dissonance in counterproductio, all * entropism, psychology - cognitive psychology, absolutes / -ism / abstraction, economy - permanent war economy, psychology - intermittent reinforcement, all * health care / insurance, economics - capitalism - pro-capitalism, sheepification, revolution / revolutions, dismotivation, dismotivation and risk, depression, spirit and self-determination, entropy * and see physics / time, economics - war, rose-coloured helplessness, bean-counting ethic, bb - corporatist elites / cap / govt, free enterprise, smith - adam, food - cornbread, insurance companies, problem of the middle